For Their Education

Indexed Universal Life for College Planning

Many people are surprised to learn that they can use life insurance to pay for college. It is the cash value accumulation feature of Indexed Universal Life Insurance that makes it a tool for funding your children’s college education.

When funded properly, an IUL policy can build up enough cash to help pay the cost of college for your children and grandchildren. Using life insurance for college savings simply makes a lot of sense.

Because of a feature called annual reset, your money is protected from market downturns.  With this feature, you have no chance of losing what you have paid in premiums plus the prior interest that you have earned.

It is this cash accumulation that can be used easily for college funding. It is up to you to decide how the cash value of your indexed universal life insurance policy funds are to be used.

David Mersereau is focused on meeting the financial and retirement needs of others through implementing financial strategies, coordinating estate planning, securing college funding and guaranteeing your insurance needs are met.

Click here to contact David and setup a consultation.

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